Anitya Labeller will assist in following to meet the new DGFT requirement:
- Creation and printing of barcode both for online and offline system requirement – i.e. directly on carton or on stickers.
- No Hardware requirement except Printer. For offline printing use existing normal printer no need to procure a new one
- Consumable – Company can use any consumable
- Pre-linked stickers – Company to ensure packing is done accordingly. This ensure the process time is reduce / nearly eliminated
- Consumables can be procured by your organization independently / directly
- Software updates available free or chargeable depending on subscription chosen
- Product and or batch code data fed once into a system can be used across different CMO - data are automatically picked once fed
- SSCC code series number is maintained at Company level and not CMO level thereby preventing duplication of codes across various CMOs
- System generates Product, Batch and TSP xml file for uploading on to DAVA portal as mandated by DGFT
- Click on DEMO to test the pre-linked system